Starbucks’ Deception

To show its sensitivity to the current shameful economic crisis in America with millions of Americans have lost their jobs (mostly to China), Starbucks decided to spend some money on nice displays, boasting “jobs for America”. Yet, if you take a closer look, you’d see this is just a cosmetic gesture that contains virtually no serious commitment to its claims or pledges. Here we have products sold at a Starbucks in California that were made in China being displayed right in the section that boasts Starbucks’ slogan of “jobs for America”.

wpid-IMG_20120626_114259.jpgIf you take a closer look at the labels, you’d see most of items sold at Starbucks are made in China.

wpid-1343431459069.jpgThis is yet an example of corporate hypocrisy.

Going nuts on coconuts?

If you have been to health-conscious markets like Whole Foods supermarket and specialty stores like Trader Joe’s, you may notice coconut water takes a large amount of shelf space. In fact, it’s difficult to miss containers of coconut water on display at prominent spots in the store.


So, what’s up with coconut water any way? It’s not a new thing in South East Asia, where people have been drinking coconut juice for generations. But all in a sudden, mainstream American consumers, particularly among health-conscious consumers, jump on the bandwagon feeding to the coconut rush that has effectively jacked up the price of coconuts in recent days. I found the price tag on this 16 fl. oz. container (picture shown below) quite shocking. It’s a whooping $6.69 before tax sold at a health food market in South Pasadena!


Fresh coconut that costs around 15 cents in Bangkok Thailand (where most of coconuts sold in the US come from) has a price tag of $2.50 ea. at a Whole Foods store in Southern California.


America sold out to the Chinese?

In the past 15 years the suburbs of Los Angeles have witnessed a large influx of Chinese immigrants. And these Chinese have gone out of their way to make sure everyone knows that they’ve taken over cities of Southern California. Much of San Gabriel Valley has turned into a giant Chinatown. The same story goes for Rowland Heights and other parts of Los Angeles and Orange Counties. The Chinese put up store signs in all Chinese, sending out a message that says “hey, if you don’t speak Chinese, don’t bother doing business with us”. And they do this in the smack of what used to be “All American” cities, where English used to spoken. You can see the reflection of an obnoxious, barbaric, and pushy culture known of the Chinese all over the world. And now they have invaded a very large part of Southern California. It’s obvious that the Chinese think they can just walk in and take over the cities of America and care less what the locals think. They carry with them their sleazy business practice, gang violence, and a very corrupt culture. They show no respect for local customs, culture, or laws. They put up signs all in Chinese and when English is used (rarely), it would be in small fonts and almost always below or after Chinese writing! This mentality of the Chinese reflects in their driving style on the streets of America. They seem to redefine their own rules of traffic and behave in ways that impose serious safety risks and threats to all others sharing the road with them.

Located at the corner of New Ave and Valley Blvd, San Gabriel, CA USA, this sign in all Chinese reflects the state of the cities in Los Angeles suburbs: They're being invaded by the obnoxious Chinese.

Store signs in Chinese only.

Billboard in Chinese

Billboard in Chinese only.


This Chinese bank boasts its presence in an area used to be an all-American town.

Chinese infiltration of American politics

These days the Chinese are not holding back on showing their agenda in taking control of one of the surviving economy of the US. And they determine to do this through all aspects of American life, including politics. Here in the San Gabriel valley, the Chinese are running for office with the agenda to serve the interests of the Chinese as their priority. Others who are not Chinese are secondary to them. This attitude is evident by the fact that the Chinese care less about using the English language where the commonly used language has been English. They put up store signs all in Chinese and now political billboard all in Chinese as shown below.


It wouldn’t surprise me to see the communist Chinese flag flying all over the cities of San Gabriel Valley some day soon.

Is this a Chinese culture?

Just outside of San Marino, a city that once was a prestigious and upscale small city in the San Gabriel Valley, is a Chinese tea house. This place is a popular hangout of the large population of young Chinese in the area. This is where the Chinese culture is celebrated in Chinese style right in the smack of what used to be an all-American city. To these new Chinese new comers, obeying, respecting, and playing by the rules aren’t important. In the pictures below, you can see a group of Chinese youngsters sitting right under a “No Smoking” sign, but completely ignored the sign. This may explain the notorious Chinese driving habits well known in the region.


wpid-1347575146992.jpgToday, Southern California, particularly the San Gabriel Valley, has the largest Chinese population outside of China mainland. In many schools in the Valley, the Chinese student population reaches over 78%. It’s now unofficially known as the ‘New Chinatown”.

Deceptive marketing or simply sleazy?

A package I found in a store had a rather deceptive labeling scheme. It has a prominent American flag visible on the package but if you look a bit more carefully, you would see that the product was made in China.



Most consumers would be drawn to the visible image of the American flag at first and would buy it because they think the product was an American made. However, in smaller prints, the label reads “Made in China”, located right below the larger prints: “Designed & Engineered in the U.S.A.”.

Greedy American manufacturers boost their profit margin by having their products made in China, giving up American technology to the Chinese, and putting Americans out of a job. And now they are trying to hide the label showing the consumers where their products are made.

Meanwhile, the communist Chinese are happy because they get American technology and know-hows for real cheap or almost free! It takes decades and millions of dollars for R&D works. But the Chinese could shortcut the process by luring the Americans into their traps using cheap labor as a bait.

Once the Chinese get the American technology and American dollars (from jobless Americans), they start building their military, which the will one day be used against the very Americans who’ve given the Chinese the technology!

Americans have jumped on short-term profits at the prospect of permanent loss of freedom and dignity and even their own future. How sad!

Capitalism vs. human decency

For those with money and power, they think they can make up their own rules and expect others to follow them. In the case of the banks, they think they own everything, including things that belong to someone else. Recently Wells Fargo stands out in the line-up of scumbags of the century. Wells Fargo sent out a contractor to repossess properties at a home that they had listed as “foreclosed”. The only problem was Wells Fargo, with its massive incompetent employees, sent the contractor to the wrong address. The ‘targeted’ house Twentynine Palms, CA belonged to an old couple who had nothing to do with Wells Fargo mortgage!

After the contractor completely destroyed the procession of this old couple, Wells Fargo ignored their complaints for three months until a major media network got a hold of the story. Wells Fargo then immediately responded to the couple’s complaint and tried to convince the couple to go away for $260,000.